B2B Marketers

 Not Your Average Account-Based Marketing Campaigns – 5 Creative Examples

One cannot deny the fact that standing out requires innovation and strategic execution. Account-based marketing services have become the go-to strategy for many businesses looking to target high-value accounts with personalized content and experiences. 

Today, we’ll see five creative and successful account-based marketing (ABM) campaigns that exemplify the power of innovative thinking and exceptional account-based marketing services. These real-world examples highlight the challenges, creative approaches, and outcomes achieved through top-tier ABM services in the US.

1. Terminus – Personalizing the Buyer Journey

Challenge: Terminus, a leading ABM agency, aimed to enhance their engagement with high-value target accounts and improve their sales pipeline.

Creative Approach: Terminus developed a highly personalized account-based marketing solution that tailored the buyer journey for each target account. They used intent data to identify the interests and pain points of decision-makers within their target accounts. Using this data, they created personalized content, including custom videos, targeted email campaigns, and account-specific landing pages.

Outcome: This personalized approach resulted in a 40% increase in engagement rates and a 20% uplift in sales pipeline value. The campaign also saw a significant boost in meetings booked with target accounts.

2. Snowflake – The Executive Roadshow

Challenge: Snowflake, a cloud data platform, wanted to deepen relationships with C-suite executives at Fortune 500 companies.

Creative Approach: Snowflake organized an exclusive executive roadshow, inviting key decision-makers to intimate events across major cities in the US. Each event featured industry thought leaders, personalized presentations addressing the unique challenges of each attending company, and one-on-one meetings with Snowflake executives.

Outcome: The roadshow led to a 50% increase in engagement from targeted executives and a 30% rise in closed deals from the participating accounts. This ABM strategy significantly strengthened Snowflake’s positioning among high-value targets.

3. Marketo – Interactive Content Experiences

Challenge: Marketo sought to re-engage dormant accounts and reignite interest in their marketing automation platform.

Creative Approach: Marketo created interactive content experiences, including personalized quizzes and assessments tailored to each target account’s industry and specific needs. These interactive pieces provided valuable insights and recommendations, positioning Marketo as a trusted advisor.

Outcome: The campaign achieved a 60% re-engagement rate with dormant accounts and drove a 25% increase in demo requests. The personalized nature of the content significantly improved Marketo’s relationship with their target accounts.

4. Adobe – Personalized Content Hubs

Challenge: Adobe wanted to create deeper engagement with their top-tier enterprise accounts.

Creative Approach: Adobe created personalized content hubs for each of their high-value accounts. These hubs featured custom content such as case studies, whitepapers, and product demos tailored to the specific needs and interests of each target account. Adobe also utilized targeted email campaigns to drive traffic to these personalized hubs.

Outcome: The personalized content hubs resulted in a 30% increase in engagement from target accounts and a 20% boost in sales conversions. Adobe successfully demonstrated the value of their account-based marketing services through this innovative approach.

5. LinkedIn – Account-Specific LinkedIn Groups

Challenge: LinkedIn wanted to create a sense of community and exclusive value for their top-tier B2B clients.

Creative Approach: LinkedIn launched private LinkedIn Groups for specific high-value accounts, providing a platform for executives to network, share insights, and access exclusive content. These groups were moderated by LinkedIn experts and featured discussions, webinars, and Q&A sessions.

Outcome: The initiative resulted in a 50% increase in engagement from target accounts and a 40% boost in upsell opportunities. The private groups fostered stronger relationships and provided LinkedIn with valuable insights into their clients’ needs and challenges.


These five examples highlight the versatility and effectiveness of account-based marketing services. Whether through personalized content, exclusive events, interactive experiences, custom microsites, or private networking groups, each campaign leveraged innovative approaches to engage and convert high-value accounts. By applying strategies to the unique needs and interests of target accounts, these companies achieved remarkable results and strengthened their market positioning. 


You can achieve remarkable results too with PMG’s account-based marketing services in the US which help develop creative, personalized campaigns. Contact us today!

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