Email Marketing

Echo Your Brand: Don’t Forget to Create Emails with GenAI That Sound Just Like You

Have you ever wondered if you could flip your B2B email marketing game with GenAI? Or maybe you question whether AI email copy lacks the emotional intelligence to connect with your subscribers like human-written copy? 

Imagine crafting captivating email copy with ease, thanks to the power of GenAI. Before diving into GenAI, let’s explore how this technology can help your business while addressing its limitations and navigating its ethical landscape.

The Power of GenAI in Email Marketing

AI in Email Marketing is transforming how businesses engage with their audiences. With 20% of companies already deploying GenAI-related technologies and 55% planning to use them in the future, the impact is undeniable. For B2B tech marketers, leveraging AI in B2B email marketing can lead to remarkable results.

GenAI can create highly personalized content that resonates with subscribers, increasing engagement and driving revenue. Statistics show that 41% of marketers report better performance and higher revenue using GenAI, and 77% believe it enables them to provide more personalized content. By using GenAI-powered tools, employees can save up to 2.5 hours per day, significantly enhancing productivity.

Custom Instructions: Making Your Copy Unique and Authentic

To ensure GenAI tools like ChatGPT reflect your brand’s voice, you need to provide custom instructions. Think of GenAI tools as junior copywriters who need guidance to perform better. Here are some tips:

Set the Tone of Voice: Use the “Customize ChatGPT” feature to specify your brand’s tone of voice. This consistency helps subscribers recognize your emails and engage more with the content.

Click on Settings>Customized ChatGPT

Select OK

Provide a Glossary: Equip GenAI with a glossary of terms specific to your industry or brand. This helps maintain consistency in terminology across all communications. Marketers using GenAI for email personalization have noticed a 41% boost in revenue and 13.44% higher CTR.


Clear Prompts: Getting Along with GenAI Tools

Clear and concise prompts are key to guiding GenAI in producing content that aligns with your brand’s objectives. For instance, when creating an email campaign, clearly outline the purpose, audience, and specific details such as subject line length, email type, and call-to-action.

Here are examples of effective prompts:

“Generate a product demo invitation email for potential clients.

Subject line: up to 50 characters

Body: up to 150 words with relevant emojis

CTA: Motivate subscribers to schedule a demo”

“Create a product feedback request email.

Subject line: engaging, within 40 characters

Body: describe the importance of feedback in 100 words

CTA: Motivate subscribers to provide their feedback”


These specific prompts ensure the AI understands your intentions accurately and delivers relevant output.

Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Think of GenAI tools as junior copywriters who benefit from feedback. When the provided outcomes aren’t satisfactory, specify what you want to edit. Continuous feedback helps refine the AI’s performance. For example, when marketers provide feedback to GenAI tools, they can improve the quality and relevance of the generated content, ultimately enhancing their email marketing services.

Unified Approach to Copy Creation

Using GenAI for larger content elements rather than small, single elements can significantly improve efficiency. Our team’s A/B test showed that a unified approach boosted CTOR by 41.34%! This collaborative approach maximizes efficiency and leverages both AI and human creativity, enhancing b2b lead gen solutions and overall campaign effectiveness.

Addressing the Limitations of GenAI

While GenAI offers many benefits, it’s important to be aware of its limitations:

Accountability: GenAI lacks the ability to take responsibility for mistakes or inappropriate content. Human supervision is crucial to ensure content aligns with brand standards and ethical considerations.

Lack of Human Touch: GenAI can seem impersonal as it lacks the emotional intelligence inherent in human communication. Marketers should complement AI’s capabilities with human creativity and empathy to craft compelling and relatable email campaigns.

Bias and Discrimination: GenAI can perpetuate biases present in its training data. Human editors must review content to minimize these risks and uphold inclusivity, diversity, and ethical standards.

The Role of GenAI in B2B Email Marketing

AI in B2B email marketing is transforming how businesses engage with prospects and clients. For example, using AI in B2B lead generation can automate personalized outreach, improving the efficiency of b2b lead generation services.

  • Personalized Content: GenAI enables the creation of highly personalized emails, increasing engagement and response rates.
  • Efficient Lead Generation: With b2b lead generation services, GenAI can segment audiences and tailor messages, leading to more effective campaigns.
  • Enhanced Marketing Solutions: B2b email marketing services can leverage GenAI to streamline content creation, ensuring consistency and relevance across campaigns.


Harnessing the power of AI in Email Marketing offers unparalleled opportunities for innovation and efficiency. By providing clear instructions, customizing prompts, and refining content based on feedback, creating a GenAI newsletter becomes much easier and more effective.

Key takeaways for maximizing AI in Email Marketing:

  • Use custom instructions to maintain brand voice.
  • Provide clear prompts for accurate content generation.
  • Offer continuous feedback for improvement.
  • Opt for a unified approach to copy creation.
  • Be aware of GenAI’s limitations and complement its capabilities with human creativity and empathy.

Use GenAI for localization to reach a global audience.

By incorporating these strategies, you can use AI in Email Marketing to create impactful, personalized, and engaging campaigns that echo your brand’s unique voice and connect with your audience effectively.

Want to get started with b2b email marketing solutions? Reach out to PMG!

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