PMG B2B respects and values your privacy. This Privacy Policy informs you of the type of information we collect, how we use it, when it may be shared, how you may review or change the data you provide to us, and the choices you have about the use of your data.


Personal Identifiable Information (PII)

This refers to information that is not in the public domain that can be used to identify you. PII includes information like your name, email address, residential address, phone number, location data, an online identifier, and single or multiple factors that are specific to your genetic, mental, physiological, economic, social, or cultural identity.

Non-Personal Identity (NPI) This refers to information that is automatically obtained any time you use a web browser to access our website. NPI information is not personally identifiable.

Our Commitment to Privacy

This Privacy Policy demonstrates our commitment to protecting any data you provide to us when you visit our website, It only applies to the data collected and transactions made through this website, and any related subdomains that we may occasionally use. It does not apply to any other transactions made outside the website.
PMG B2B will not sell, distribute, or give your personal information to third parties without your knowledge and consent. We will only share your data with your consent and only when we need to provide you with products or services that you have expressly demonstrated interest in.
By visiting our website, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy. You also consent to the use and disclosure of your personal information, and any other information, in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Information That We Collect Through Our Website

You can browse our website without telling us who you are or revealing any personal information about yourself. However, we use our website to collect, receive, and store your personal data, and any other information that you may voluntarily provide to us from time to time.

In our efforts to continually improve our products and services and the website, we collect and analyze demographic and profile data about our user’s activity on the website.
We identify and use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Website. Your IP address is also used to help identify you and to gather broad demographic information.
We may ask you to complete optional online surveys and/or product reviews from time to time. These surveys/product reviews may ask you for contact information and demographic information (like pin code, age, or income level), and to provide information sought therein and/or responses to queries stated therein.
The type of information we collect on our website includes:

1. Personal Identification Information

We may request for your personal identification information on our website through lead magnet forms for marketing purposes to you. This information may include:

  • Name
  • Job Title
  • Company Name
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Location

While you can browse some sections of our website without creating an account or registering as a member, certain activities do require registration. We collect personally identifiable information from you when you set up an account or register on our website. We use your contact information to send you marketing materials that may be of your interest.
You can choose not to provide this information and not to use specific sections or features on our website. However, disclosure of personal information eliminates anonymity in our records.

2. Non-Personal Identification Information

We automatically collect Non-Personal Identification Information (“NPII”) from our website visitors. When you access our website through an internet connection, we automatically collect the following information:
The browser you’re using and the version
The device you are using
Your standard web log information
Location of your mobile device (only if your location settings are on and you’re using the device to visit our website)
We primarily use device and browser data to determine the source of our web traffic for purposes of enhancing user experience and marketing efforts.
We also collect NPII using cookies. “Cookies” are small files placed on your hard drive that store certain information that can be read back later. We offer certain features that are only available through the use of a “cookie”.
When you visit our website, cookies collect the following information:
The pages you visit on the website
The time and date you browse the website
The amount of time you spend on the pages you visit
Your IP address
Your operating system

How Long We Store Your Data

PMG B2B retains the data it collects through its website, including personal data, for the period that is necessary to achieve the purpose of collecting the data. These reasons may include:

  • Meeting any accounting or reporting requirements
  • Establishing and defending legal claims
  • Preventing fraud
  • Meeting the legal obligations of the company

Since we maintain data backups to ensure that our platform does not suffer malicious or accidental data loss or destruction, residual copies of your data are included in our backups. This data may remain in our backups for extended periods. We determine the Personal Data retention period by considering the following:

  • The nature, amount, and sensitivity of the data
  • Potential harm that could result from the unauthorized disclosure or use of Personal Data
  • Our reasons for processing your Personal Data
  • Legal requirements for handling Personal Data
  • Whether our purpose for collecting the data can be realized through other means

How We Use Your Personal Data

We use the personal data and any other information we collect about/from you for general purposes that include:

  • Registration and management of your account, including facilitating your access to and use of our Website
  • Communicating and marketing to you like sending you invitations to events like contests and webinars, and notifications for special offers and products/services available on our website or our partner that may interest you
  • Publishing reviews, testimonials, forum posts, and other forms of content on our website
  • Responding to your questions and comments
  • Measuring your interest in our products or services and website
  • Customizing your experience with our website
  • Soliciting information through surveys and polls
  • Resolving disputes or troubleshooting problems
  • Preventing potentially prohibited or illegal activities
  • Enforcing our Terms and Conditions

To the extent we use your personal information to market to you, we will provide you the ability to opt-out of such uses. We use all the information you share with us in accordance with the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.


How We Track Personal and Non-Personal Information

We track your information in various ways:

  1. Third-Parties
    We may, either directly or through third-parties engaged by us, track certain information about you based upon your behavior on our Website. We use this information to conduct internal research on our users’ demographics, interests, and behavior. This information is compiled and analyzed on an aggregated basis.
  2. Cookies
    We use cookies on certain pages of the Website to analyze our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, and promote trust and safety.We also use cookies to remember and keep you from entering your password less frequently during a session. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits. In this case, you may not be able to use certain parts or features on the Website and you may be required to re-enter your password more frequently during a session. You may encounter “cookies” or other similar devices on certain pages of the Website that are placed by third parties. We do not control the use of cookies by third parties.You are free to instruct your browser to deny all cookies or signal you when a cookie is being sent. However, you may be denied access to some sections of our Website if you don’t accept cookies. Some of the Cookies that we use on our Website are:
    • Session Cookies
    • Security Cookies
    • Preference Cookies
  3. Flash Local Shared Objects
    We may use Flash Local Shared Objects to personalize your visit and store your preferences. You cannot control, delete, or disable the acceptance of Flash LSOs through your web browser, they are different from browser cookies.


Third-Party Links on Our Website

Our Website may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy does not govern the third-party websites that are linked to our Website. We are not responsible for the data practices of such sites, ensure that you read the Privacy Policies on any third-party links you find on our Website.

How We Share Your Personal Data

We may share the Personal Information you provide to us as follows:

  • Service Providers, Vendors, and Other Processors – We could share your Personal Data with service providers, agents, vendors, contractors, or any other processors who conduct functions on behalf of our company. For instance, we may share your data with service providers who provide us with data storage, IT services, and technical support services. We may share Personal Data with service providers who analyze our customer data, host our website, and help us detect and prevent security incidents, fraud, and any other form of unlawful information. This will only be done for business purposes as explained in the How Do We Use Your Data section.
  • Business Affiliates and Subsidiaries – We may reveal the Personal Data you provide on our website to any of our existing or future company affiliates, divisions, or subsidiaries. These entities and affiliates may market to you as a result of such sharing unless you explicitly opt-out.
  • Advertisers and Analytics Providers – We share information with advertisers and analytics providers who help us to execute and evaluate relevant advertising. The data we share with them is often collected through cookies and any other tracking mechanisms employed on our website. See the Third Parties, Cookies, and Other Forms of Tracking section.
  • Business Partners – Disclosure and sharing of your Personal Information may be made to business partners (whose privacy practices we do not have control over or are responsible/liable for) with whom we offer our products and services, third-party vendors who provide services or functions on our behalf. We may also disclose and share aggregated and non-personally identifiable information developed using the information you provide with our business partners, clients, and the public. Further, we may authorize third-party vendors to collect and analyze information on our behalf, including information necessary to operate our Website’s features.
  • Business-Purpose Third Parties – We may disclose information to third-parties for business purposes, including those that directly or indirectly affect or enable commercial transactions. These business-purpose disclosures will be done under-documented contracts describing the purpose for disclosure and requiring recipients to maintain personal information confidentiality. Further, the contracts will prohibit the use of shared information for any other purpose other than what’s specified in the contract.
  • Legal Responses – We may share your Personal Data to comply with the law, court order, judicial proceedings, or any other legal process like responding to a subpoena or court order. Your information may also be disclosed concerning legal proceedings, like when our company is defending its rights in a court of law.
  • Business Transactions – We may transfer the Personal Information you share with us to complete business transactions. For instance, if our company gets merged with, amalgamated with, or acquired by another company, whether as part of an insolvency or bankruptcy proceeding or otherwise, your Personal Information may be transferred to the other company. The transfer process may involve sharing the information you provide us with with auditors, lenders, and third-party advisors who may include business consultants and attorneys.
  • Protection Purposes – We may share your information when we deem it necessary to prevent, investigate, or take action regarding suspected fraud, illegal activities, potential threats to a person’s safety, Terms of Use or Policy violations, or as evidence in litigations that involve our company.

Security of Your Personal Information

We take reasonable precautions to ensure that the Personal Information we collect from our website is safe from misuse, loss, and unauthorized disclosure, access, destruction, and alteration. Please note that despite these efforts, our data security measures cannot guarantee total security. We encourage you to take steps to prevent unauthorized access to your phone, passwords, and computer. You can do this by ensuring that:

  • You sign off every time you use a shared computer
  • You use a robust, unique password that no other person can guess with ease
  • You keep your password and log-in private

We are not liable for the loss, compromised, or stolen passwords or for any activity that may occur in your account due to unauthorized access activity.

Your Rights as Our Website User

As a user of our website, you have the following rights:

  1. Right to be Informed – We have a duty to let you know how we collect and use the Personal Information you provide to us over the last 12 months. We provide this information in this Privacy Policy.
  2. Right to Access your Data – You have a right to access any data we hold about you. You can do so by sending us a subject access request, which we are obligated to respond to within a month.
  3. Right to Rectification – You have a right to rectify any data that you share with us that you deem to be incorrect. If you think the information we hold about you is inaccurate, reach out to us.
  4. Right to Data Deletion – You can request us to delete your Personal Information from our system. Once we receive and confirm your verifiable consumer request, we will delete your personal information from our records, unless an exception applies.
  5. Right to Opt-out – You can choose to opt-out if we share your Personal Information with third-parties for direct marketing purposes.
  6. Right to Opt-in – We prohibit our advertising and publishing clients from targeting individuals who are younger than 16 years of age. If you are below this age, we will be seeking your permission or that of your guardian before sharing your Personal Information.
  7. Right to Non-Discrimination – We do not penalize you for affirming your rights. We will not take actions like increasing price, reducing service quality, denying you a service, or even suggesting penalties against you for exercising your rights.
  8. Right to Object – You can deny us permission to process your Personal Information.
  9. Right of Restriction – You can ask us to restrict processing of your Personal Information.
  10. Right to Withdraw Consent – Where PMG B2B relies on your consent to process your Personal Information, you can withdraw that consent at any time.

Note that we may request you to verify your identity before we respond to your data requests.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

PMG B2B may change this Privacy Policy from time to time and without notice as the company leverages technology to improve its services and develop its website. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will add a prominent notice on our website that’s visible to you as a Business Partner or a Site Visitor. We don’t have a way of advising our website users of Privacy Policy updates through a notice. We encourage you to periodically visit this page to check whether the Privacy Policy has been updated. We will always indicate the date when we last modified it. Note that this Privacy is incorporated into the terms stated in our End User Agreement and Terms of Use (“Terms”).

Contact Information

Phone: +91 7972722487

Address: City Vista, Kharadi, Pune
